When interacting with alkalies sulfur is converted into active compound. After applying the
drug on skin molecular sulfur, hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide start to generate, which act with acaricide and aseptic effect and stimulate skin receptors.
Sulfur antiscabietic effect is due to its acaricide properties and in particular due to presence of its irritant effects. Due to irritation of skin receptors epidermis peeling is occurred that significantly improves metabolism and mites are being removed.
The most effective drug effect is observed at optimal moisture content and at temperature +30 °C. At high humidity air a part of sulfur dioxide is converted into sulfuric acid, which highly irritates the skin of animals, poorly penetrates through mite’s chitinous cover whereby acaricide effect of the drug is decreased.
Polysulphone has an acaricid effect against scabies mite’s species like Sarcoptes, Psoroptes,
and Otodectes.