The drug is a viscous dark brown liquid, well soluble in water. Each gram of Polymer-iodine 10% solution contains 100 mg of active iodine in the form iodine-polymeric complex.

The drug is pre-packaged in glass vials by 10 – 250 ml and in polymer bottle (canister) by 0.1 – 0.5 l.

The drug should be stored with caution (see list B) in dark place protected from direct sunlight within the temperature range 0°C to +25°C. Shelf life is 24 months from date of manufacture.

This drug due to availability of active iodine has a broad spectrum of activity against nonsporeforming microbes (except for mycobacteria), viruses and fungi. The drug belongs to the group of moderately toxic compounds. Solutions do not have irritating effects and do not cause corrosion of metals.

Polymer-yod 10% solution in accordance GOST 12.1.007 - 76 based on parameters of acute toxicity when injected into stomach it belongs to Category 3 moderately hazardous substances and when contacting with skin - to Category 4 Low Hazard substance; it does have locally - irritating and sensitizing effects on skin and causes mild irritation of mucous membranes. Mist of the drug have moderate hazard in saturating concentrations.

Wet disinfection. 1% drug solution is administered based on 0.2 - 0.3 l / m ² of treated surface. Exposure duration during preventive and final disinfection is 3 hours and for regular disinfection is 1 hour.

Aerosol disinfection. 1.5% drug solution based on 30 ml / m³ is applied. Exposure duration during preventive and final disinfection is 3 hours and during regular disinfections - 1 hour.

For treatment of respiratory diseases - 0.5% solution based on 5 - 10 ml / m³. Total exposure duration in animals is 60 minutes per day. Treatment is performed 3 - 5 times in every second day.

Treatment of wound surfaces. 5% drug solution is used.

Treatment of necrobacillosis and foot rot : affected area shall be previously cleaned from mechanical impurities. Undiluted Polymer-iodine 10% is applied by richly moistened gauze tampon on the cleaned area. Treatment shall be performed tree times with one day interval.

Preparation of the drug working solution

Working solution is prepared in clean container made of glass or polymer material by dilution of the drug with distilled or boiled tap water based on calculation in the table. Working solutions are prepared on the day of its application.

Table of preparation of the Polymer-yod 10% working solutions can be viewed in products instructions on use.

Wet disinfection. For preventive and compulsory (regular and final) disinfection during infections related to sensitive group (I group) and stable groups (II group) against main disinfectants, when disinfection quality is controlled by extraction of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus,

• Aerosol disinfection. For preventive and compulsory (regular and final) disinfection during infections related to resistant groups I and II;

• For treatment of respiratory diseases - laryngotracheitis, infectious bronchitis, aspergillosis, infectious rhinotracheitis, bronchitis and bronchopneumonia in calves, young pigs and lambs as well as during mixed infections;

• Treatment of wound surfaces. Disinfection of skin and wound treatment in animals (castration, operation, fresh and complicated infections), treatment of umbilical cord, external genitals;

• Treatment of necrobacillosis and foot rot in cattle, sheep and goats.

No side effects and complications as a result of Polymer-yod 10% use are revealed under recommended doses and treatment conditions.

No side effects and complications as a result of Polymer-yod 10% use are revealed under recommended doses and treatment conditions.

CONTRAINDICATIONS: Contraindication for use of drug is increased individual sensitivity to iodine in animal. In such case treatment should be discontinued.