Mastisan-A is an integrated preparation containing such components as benzylpenicillin sodium salt, streptomycin sulfate and sulfadimedine suspended in vegetable oil. One dose (5 ml) of the drug contains 100 000 units of benzylpenicillin and streptomycin and 0.35g of sulfadimedine.

Mastisan-A is a homogeneous oily suspension with white to cream color segregating during storage. The product is prepackaged in glass vials and tubes with capacity of 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 and 250 ml.

The drug should be stored with caution (see List B ) in a dry, dark place and kept out of the reach of children within the temperature range from 0ºC to +20ºC. Shelf life is 18 months under specified storage conditions.


Mastisan-A has a wide range of antibacterial action due to its constituent antimicrobial components exhibiting synergistic effect. It is active against Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms (staphylococcus, streptococcus, Proteus, Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Mycoplasma, etc.).

It has considerable anti-inflammatory and wound healing effects. In recommended doses it does not have any sensitizing and local irritative, embryotoxic, teratogenic and mutagenic effects. It is eliminated with milk from the body.

Before drug introducing the affected quarter of udder shall be eased and teat shall be disinfected. Content of the vial or tube shall be heated up to 36-39 °C and thoroughly stirred until its content becomes uniform and injected into the affected quarter of udder via streak canal by elastic plastic catheter that shall
be screwed onto the tube with drug or put on syringe adapter.

After injection affected teat of the udder quarter shall be lightly massaged upwards. Depending on severity of inflammatory process 5 to 20 ml of drug (1-4 doses) shall be injected. If required introduction of the drug shall be repeated every 24 hours until full disappear of inflammatory features.

Treatment of traumatic lesions of skin and mucous membranes of the udder teats shall be carried out by application of drug to the affected surface.

Mastisan-A is administered for treatment of various forms of udder inflammation and traumatic lesions of the udder and teats skin.

Allergic responses are noted in rare cases.

CONTRAINDICATIONS: Individual sensitivity to the drug components serve as contraindication to the drug application.

SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS: During the period of treatment milk from affected parts of udder shall be eased into separate containers then sterilized and disposed. Milk from the remaining quarters of udder after boiling shall be used as animal feed.

The milk obtained from affected quarters of udder treated by Mastisan-A drug shall be used for human consumption 5 days after treatment subject to complete disappearance of all clinical symptoms of mastitis (acquisition of normal properties of milk by color test and sedimentation test).

Meat of animals slaughtered during treatment can be used without restrictions except for udder which is disposed.